Beat The Office Lockout Blues With Expert Tips

Locked out of the office? Without proper help, it will surely ruin your day. Good thing Universal Best Locksmith has some handy tips to get you back in quickly and easily. Whether juggling traditional keys or dealing with fancy keyless entry and biometric locks, we have mastered all things about an office lockout. Join us as we discuss practical advice for overcoming the frustration of being locked out of the office. But before that, let us first talk about the common causes of office lockouts. 

What Often Leads to Office Lockouts?

Office lockouts can happen for all sorts of reasons, each with its quirks and fixes. Here are a few common culprits behind these frustrating lockouts:

Misplaced or Lost Keys

One of the top reasons for office lockouts is the classic case of lost or misplaced keys. Maybe an employee forgets where they stashed them, or they go missing during the commute—either way, it is a surefire way to kick off a frustrating lockout scenario.

Broken Keys

Old or weak keys may break in the lock because they cannot handle the pressure. Not only can this prevent you from entering, but it can also cause damage to the lock itself. When this happens, you should always call in the experts.

Issues with Electronic Door Entry Systems

Keyless door locks and biometric locks are very convenient. However, they can occasionally encounter problems. Dead batteries, software glitches, or hardware issues can throw a wrench in the works. Remember, these electronic door locks need a bit of regular TLC to keep everything running smoothly.

Forgotten Access Codes

For offices with keypad access, forgotten codes can be a real headache. Employees may forget their codes and frequent security changes may add to the confusion. Either way, it is a recipe for a classic lockout.

A woman encounters an "ERROR" message on a digital keypad during an office lockout situation.

Lock Damage

Locks can take a beating from attempted break-ins, vandalism, or plain old wear and tear. Damage can cause them to jam or stop functioning completely, leading to another lockout situation.

Environmental Factors Causing Lock Damage

When bad weather comes, nature can be very difficult to deal with. Freezing temperatures can cause mechanical locks to become stuck and electronics systems to short-circuit. The weather can quickly transform a good lock into a problem, whether it is ice or a sudden rain. 

By knowing these common causes, you can help dodge office lockouts and keep things running smoothly. With regular lock maintenance, smart key management, and your access control system, you could lessen the chances of getting locked out. So enjoy seamless access to your workplace and stay ahead of the game.

Expert Tips To Help You Beat The Office Lockout Blues

Being locked out of the office can be quite an inconvenience. Yet, with a little know-how, you will breeze through the situation like a pro:  

Assess the Office Lockout Situation Calmly

First, take a deep breath and assess the situation. Did you misplace your key, or is your high-tech access system acting up? Figuring out the cause can help you find the right fix. For example, if you have a keyless door lock, you may first check for battery or technical issues. For biometric locks, make sure the scanner is clean and register your fingerprint correctly. Stay calm, and you will be back in no time.

Contact Professional Help for Office Lockout

Now, if you get locked out, it is time to call in the pros. Universal Best Locksmith is always ready to help, ensuring you will not be stuck outside for long. A trusted North Hollywood locksmith on speed dial can save you a lot of time and unnecessary stress during a lockout.

Use Spare Keys to Avoid Office Lockout

Having spare keys in smart places can be a real lifesaver. Whether you stash them with a trusted colleague or in a clever hiding spot, spare keys can stop a lockout from becoming a big headache. Even with fancy access control systems, having a backup plan can give you peace of mind.

Regular Lock Maintenance is a Key

Maintaining your office’s locks and security systems will help you prevent unexpected lockouts. You can make sure that your keyless and biometric locks are always working perfectly by setting up routine examinations. An updated access control system is less likely to break down, which will save you trouble in the future.

Avoid an Office Lockout: Stay Informed and Prepared

Just as important is staying informed about your security systems. Understanding how your locks work can help you fix minor issues on your own. Plus, keeping the product manual and customer service contacts close by can be a real lifesaver in an emergency.

Workplace Security Awareness

Make sure that everyone on the team knows how to deal with a lockout and has emergency contacts on hand. Inform everyone about any changes to the security procedures and updates on the access control system. So, if there is a lockout, everyone will know what to do. That will keep things cool and help solve the problem right away. In the end, it is easier to work together when everyone knows what is going on.

A group of employees engaged in a workplace security awareness discussion to prevent office lockouts.

Use Current Lock Technology to Get Help

Interestingly, technology can be a real lifesaver when it comes to preventing and resolving lockouts. Smart locks and access control systems have cool features, like temporary codes and remote access. So, if you ever need to let someone in while you are out, it is not a problem. These nifty tools make life much easier and keep these lockout headaches at bay.

Avoiding Office Lockouts and Ensuring Easy Access

Office lockouts can be a real pain, but with these expert tips from Universal Best Locksmith, you will be back inside before long. Keep up with regular maintenance, stay informed, and use modern security solutions like keyless door locks and biometric locks to prevent these pesky lockouts. Stay prepared, stay cool, and wave goodbye to office lockout blues.

Locksmith Near Me

Locked out of your office in Valley Village or North Hollywood? Do not get stressed out. You can count on Universal Best Locksmith to save the day! Our commercial locksmith team will have you back inside in no time, thanks to our top-notch skills and modern solutions. Say goodbye to office lockout headaches and hello to quick, efficient access. Call us now, and let us unlock your peace of mind!

Enhancing Your Business Security With Multipoint Locks

Having a strong lock is the first step towards keeping your business safe. In fact, multipoint locks are the top choice for security these days. In this blog, we will take you through the complex world of multipoint locking systems. We will show you how you can use them to make entry points safer. Plus, learn how these locks offer the best protection against burglars and unauthorized access in the business world today. So come with us as we look at the power of these locks.

What Are Multipoint Locks?

Advanced locking systems called multipoint locks keep doors safe at several points along the frame. Multiple locking points make multipoint locks different from single-point locks that only connect with the door frame in one place. These closing points can be bolts, hooks, or pins that go from the door to the frame or from one part of the door to another to make the door more secure and stable.

This locking device usually works with a single key or handle, and when it is in place, it engages all the locking points at once. Exterior doors, like front and back doors of businesses where extra security is essential, often need this type of commercial lock installation. With more locking points than regular locks, they make it harder to break in and offer better protection against forced entry.

What is Good About Multipoint Lock Systems?

Compared to a single-point lock, a multipoint locking system has a number of benefits, such as:

Better Security 

Multipoint locks make it harder for thieves to break in by locking the door in multiple places along the frame. This distributed locking system offers a stronger defense against break-ins.

Higher Stability

The door is more stable inside the frame because the multiple lock points distribute the applied force more widely. Not only does this feature make the door safer, but it also helps keep it sturdy.

A door installed with a multipoint lock

Resistance to Forced Entry 

These multipoint locks can survive different ways of forced entry, like kicking, poking, or using tools to pick the lock. Because of its complex mechanism, it is harder for thieves to get around it.

Sealing and Weatherproofing

Some multipoint locks have extra features, like weather seals, that help keep out the weather and insulate better. They make a tighter seal around the door, which keeps air out and saves energy.

Easy to Use

These locks are usually easy to use, even though they have complex locking systems. One key or handle is usually enough to lock or open most systems. That makes them more convenient without lowering the level of security.

Design Flexibility 

Multipoint locks come in a range of styles and shapes to fit different doors, such as wooden, uPVC, and composite doors. Businesses can pick a design that works best for them because it is so flexible.

Integration with Existing Security Systems

You can add many multipoint locks to existing security systems to make them safer and to provide a central location for control and tracking.

Burglar Deterrent 

Visible multipoint locking systems act as a visual deterrent to potential burglars. It makes it less likely for burglars to break in because they make it harder for them to do so.

These advantages make multipoint lock systems a common choice for businesses that want to improve their security and keep their property safe.

Types of Multipoint Locks

These locks come in various styles, each made to meet specific security needs and fit a range of door types. Listed below are some common kinds:

Gearbox Multipoint Locks

These locks have more than one locking point and work with a gearbox mechanism. Typically, they include hooks, bolts, or pins that engage when activated. Gearbox locks are flexible and can work on a wide range of door materials.

Multipoint Deadbolt Locks

This type of multipoint lock is very safe because it uses deadbolts. When installed into the door frame, this lock makes it even harder to get in. As lock experts, we usually install multipoint deadbolt locks on doors made of wood or composite materials.

Hookbolt Multipoint Locks

These locks use hook-shaped bolts that engage with a strike plate on the frame to keep the door locked. Lifting is very hard to do with them, and they make folding or patio doors safer.

Sliding Door Multipoint Locks

These locks, made to fit sliding doors, have multiple locking places along the opening. Most of the time, they use bolts or hooks that engage with the frame when locked. That makes these entry places safer.

A double hook replacement part for multipoint locks
Electric Multipoint Lock

These high-tech locks, often integrated into access control systems, use electricity to operate. You can even control them from afar, which makes it convenient and possible to handle security from one place.

Automatic Multipoint Locks

When the door is closed, these locks instantly engage all the locking points, so you do not have to lock them by hand. Without losing safety, they make life easier.

To choose the best multipoint lock, think about your door type, how secure you want it to be, and what you need the lock to do. Also, consider your business’s security needs and the type of door you have where you will fit the lock.

Using Multipoint Locks to Make Businesses Safer

Businesses can improve their protection with multipoint door lock systems. Their multiple locking points make them harder to break into, make the door more stable, and make them suitable for a wide range of door types. These locks are easy to use and are compatible to work with other systems. They are a visible deterrent and proactive defense against unauthorized access, making companies, assets, and people safer and more protected.

Commercial Door Locksmith Near Me

Wondering how to boost your business security? Universal Best Locksmith has the answer! With multipoint locks, you can enjoy better security, more stable doors, and lock choices that are tailored to your type of business and needs. At Universal Best Locksmith, our years of experience ensure that we will install your locks correctly and give you full security solutions. Do not wait until it is too late. Secure your business now with our trusted locksmith solutions. Contact us right away to make your company safer and put security as a priority.

Best Practices for Maintaining Your Commercial Locks

Commercial locks are a vital part of any building. It keeps your business secure and the people who work there safe. For this reason, ensuring you maintain these locks is paramount. Yet, surprisingly, such an important aspect of protecting your workplace is often overlooked. Whether you run a busy office, store, or factory, keeping your locks in good shape is important to guard your valuables. You also ensure that your business operates smoothly.

In this blog, we look deeply at why commercial lock maintenance is essential. Find out what happens to security when you neglect to take care of these locks. You will also learn how to keep your locks in good shape. Let us start.

Why Is Proper Maintenance of Commercial Locks Important?

When commercial door locks are in good shape, unexpected lockouts, malfunctions, and security breaches are less likely to happen. Such situations can slow down business and put private information or valuables at risk. However, with well-maintained locks, you stop unauthorized people from getting in without permission and make the locking mechanisms last longer. As a result, you do not have to change these locks as often. With lock maintenance, you can ensure the security of their workplaces while limiting productivity problems and financial setbacks. 

The Common Commercial Locks Issues

While some lock issues are preventable, you must not disregard a handful. Hence, it is so important to trust the best commercial locksmith services in Studio City. So now, let us tackle a few of the more frequent issues with commercial locks below.

Key-related Issues

Lost or broken keys or making copies of keys without permission can cause problems with commercial locks. All of these things make your security weak.

Lock Mechanism Problems

In a business setting, issues with the lock mechanism, like jammed keyways and misalignment, can impact security and operations. Worn-out parts can also add to these concerns. So, to prevent security risks and delays, you must promptly fix these issues resulting from daily use.  

Misaligned Doors and Locks

Normal wear and tear, temperature changes, and poor fitting can cause misalignment of doors and industrial door locks.

Forced Entry Attempts

To force open a commercial lock means using tools or methods to alter or break the lock. When such attempts occur, anyone without permission can get in. These actions can cause property damage, lead to theft, and put private information at risk. For maximum security and durability, we advise installing heavy duty commercial door locks.

Electronic Lock Troubles

Dead batteries, wrong entry codes, or bugs in the software can cause electronic lock problems in a work setting. These problems can lock employees out, and security holes open up. That only shows how important it is to deal with issues quickly, keep up with maintenance, and have backup plans in place. All of these things help to make sure that your business and workers are safe.

Simple Steps for Effective Commercial Lock Maintenance

Clean and Lubricate Locks

Regular cleaning and lubrication make your business locks safe to use, work well, and last long. Cleaning gets rid of dirt and grime, while lubrication cuts down on friction and wear. This practice makes sure that the workplace is secure and operates smoothly.

A technician lubricating a commercial lock

Inspect Locks for Wear and Damage

It is very important to check commercial locks for wear and damage regularly. By doing so, you can likely detect problems like wear and tear, corrosion, or physical damage early on. As a result, you can avoid security breaches, save money on replacements, and make locks last longer.

Keep the Keys in Good Shape

Commercial lock maintenance includes checking for wear, cleaning keys to get rid of dirt, and making copies when needed.

Get Commercial Locksmith Services

Commercial locksmith services are important for keeping your business safe and working well. Set up periodic checks with a professional commercial locksmith to make sure everything is in good shape.

Seek Professional Help for Commercial Lock Maintenance

It is important to make sure the locks on your commercial building are in good shape for continued security and to avoid problems. If you do not keep your locks in good shape, you are putting your staff and investments at risk. Ask a professional to help you with tasks on maintaining commercial locks. This preventive measure will help your locks last longer, make it less likely that they will break, and give you peace of mind that your property is safe. Lock repair should be your top priority to keep your business safe before it is too late.

Commercial Locksmith Near Me

Are you a business owner in the Studio City and nearby areas? Universal Best Locksmith can help ensure your business place is safe and secure. We provide top-notch commercial locksmith services, from lock maintenance to lock installation, that give you 100% satisfaction. Call us today for free estimates, and let us help you maintain the integrity of your commercial locks.

Commercial Door Lock Options for Your Business

As a business owner, it is crucial to ensure you use the best security measures to protect your employees and customers. Commercial door locks are a great option for keeping everyone safe while securing your building. Here are some commercial door lock options that you can use to help keep everyone in your business safe.

What Is a Commercial Door Lock?

Commercial door locks are graded door locks that are made for commercial use. Commercial doors open and close hundreds of times daily, so lock durability is a top priority. The most common grading system is BHMA (Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association) standards, with 1 being the best and 3 being the worst in terms of quality.

A user using a commercial door lock

How Are Door Locks Graded?

Door locks are graded depending on the number of times they can open and close before wearing out. Grade 1 locks can open and close a million times or more, while Grades 2 and 3 can handle 800,000 open and close cycles. Grade 1 locks can also withstand up to 10 hits from a 75-foot-pound force without damaging the door knob. In addition, the latch on a grade 1 lock is 1 inch away from the door. The grade 2 or 3 latches are 1.2 inches from the door.

Which Are the Best Options for a Commercial Door Lock?

Commercial door locks come in many varieties, each with features and benefits. The most common kinds of commercial door locks are:

  • Commercial strike locks
  • Keyless entry locks
  • Smart deadbolt lock with Wi-Fi link
  • Magnetic locks
  • Digital locks with remote system
  • Master key systems

Commercial Strike Locks

Commercial strike locks operate on electricity, allowing you to buzz visitors in. They usually come with a doorbell or intercom system, so guests must ring these devices before entering. This lock is typical in daycare centers, doctor’s offices, and law firms as a safety measure to keep employees safe and to know who is coming and going from the building.

Keyless Commercial Entry Locks

Keyless commercial entry locks are another popular type of commercial door lock. These locks do not require a key, making them more convenient and secure than traditional keys. In addition, keyless access does not require a physical key but will require a passcode or security code. Brands like Schlage and Yale have models that are simple to install, keyless, and include pre-programmed access codes.

Magnetic Locks

A magnetic lock can come without levers or door knobs. Instead, this type of lock is installed above the frame and uses a sensor. It is commonly seen in revolving doors.

Master Key Systems

A master key system allows authorized individuals access to specific areas inside a building. This system keeps track of who access what door or area. 

A digital commercial door lock that uses magnetic cards

Digital Locks With Remote System

Digital locks are a popular choice for doors that require a secure, keyless solution. They eliminate the issuance of keys and usually come with a cylinder or key override. However, for proper lock installation, these locks usually require special door preparation. Other methods of opening and unlocking it include using a remote control.

Smart Commercial Deadbolt Lock With Wi-Fi Link

A deadbolt lock is extra protection against break-ins, and you can use them with a door pull or other type of lock. Modern commercial deadbolt locks have wireless technology, making them more convenient and secure. Smart keyless locks with Wi-Fi are among the greatest in this security category. These locks have a built-in Wi-Fi radio to connect to your network. You can also control them with voice commands using Alexa and Google Assistant. 

Final Thoughts

You may maximize the use of your high-security locks with the help of a trustworthy locksmith service provider. They use the proper tools for the job to install locks perfectly. So consider this and consult a locksmith when selecting the best lock for your business.

Locksmith Near Me

Universal Best Locksmith is a company that specializes in providing quality commercial locks and door lock installation. We offer our clients the highest quality key and lock services in Valley Village, CA, and the neighboring areas. We also offer 24-hour emergency service, so you can always rely on us to complete the job. So do not wait any longer – call us today!